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We all want to have the ideal weight, fit and healthyappearance. Such an approach causes the slimming programs to be constantlyupdated. In recent years, gluten-free diets have come to the fore in thecontext of fast slimming programs. But a gluten-free diet is not a slimmingmethod.

What is gluten?

It is a protein group found in barley,wheat, rye and some oat varieties. It is also found in processed foods wherethese grains are used, and it is a difficult food to digest. It is a group ofproteins that forms a net-like structure of the dough and adds elasticity tothe dough. The proteins that make up gluten are classified into two maingroups: prolamine and gluten. Gliadin is the protein of the prolamine group. Itcauses allergic reactions in people with gluten sensitivity. When combined withgluten water, it turns into a hard but flexible material. Its adhesiveproperties make the dough elastic while allowing it to ferment and swell duringbaking. Gluten, which also gives the product a chewable property, isresponsible for the soft and crispy texture that satisfies the person duringchewing. It means that flavor of pastry and its good cooking depend on gluten. Forthis reason, those who start a gluten-free diet lose weight quickly at first. Thereason for this is that the carbohydrate-weighted pattern of their diet shifts withvegetables and protein. Insoluble in water gliadin within this protein group isa substance difficult to digest. People suffering from chronic digestive andgas problems are treated in some cases with gluten-free diet.

In a gluten-free diet all kinds of wheat, barley, rye andoat additives (flour, bulgur, semolina, pasta, noodle, couscous, bread, cake,cookie, biscuit, pie, donut, wafer, crackers, ice cream, baked desserts,ready-to-eat tomato paste, ketchup, ready-to-eat soups, tarhana, splitting ...)are prohibited. Foods prepared with bread crumbs, beverages which include maltsuch as beer, vodka, breaded meatballs, ready-to-eat condiment and salad sauces,and nuts with salty sauces should also be avoided. It is presented in most ofthe ready-to-eat foods as it is used as glaze enhancer and glue in gluten foodtechnology. People who need to be gluten-free should be sure about the contentinformation and read labels for each product they consume. In short,gluten-free diet is a very difficult diet just to be a slimming method.Those who make this diet can consume grains such as rice,corn, chickpeas, akdari, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa. In addition, they canconsume products such as flour, pasta, noodle, chocolate, crackers with thephrase gluten free on the special production on the shelves. Of course, theycan also consume vegetables, fruits and raw meat products.We do not recommend gluten-free nutrition and we recommend apersonal, adequate and balanced diet, as it will cause digestive problems andlack of vitamins, minerals and pulp and related health problems in thelong-term, where gluten-free nutrition does not have any advantage.If we do regular activities, get our quality and sufficientsleep, and if our nutrition is diverse, balanced and sufficient, and we cancontrol our stress, we will increase our quality of life. People who live wellhave less gluten sensitivity.I wish you healthy, happy and full of energy days